變更密碼 Change Password
若您遺忘密碼,請點擊此處,或以電子郵件寄至<ccsadm@iis.sinica.edu.tw>或是電話通知資訊室(02-27883799 分機 1301),我們會為您重設密碼。
If you forget the password, please (1) click here; or (2) email CCS at <ccsadm@iis.sinica.edu.tw> or (3) phone (02-27883799 ext. 1301). We will RESET your password.
For your account security, the password must be at least EIGHT characters in length and contain any combination of both ALPHABETICAL and NUMERICAL characters. Passwords are CASE SENSITIVE. Please do not reuse a password that has been previously set. The maximum number of password changes per day is 3 times.


  • 第一條、資訊室提供之各項資訊服務及資源為學術研究專用,使用者絕不能用於非公務用途。
  • 第二條、欲使用固定IP位址者必須向資訊室提出申請及登記,不可隨意盜用。
  • 第三條、如需提供對外服務的伺服器,請向資訊室提出申請,且其管理者必須妥善管理系統,做好安全措施。機器欲置於防火牆外者,需經由所長 同意。
  • 第四條、如有特殊需求需穿透本所防火牆者,請向資訊室申請VPN帳號。
  • 第五條、VPN帳號只限於公務使用,使用完畢請立刻跳離。
  • 第六條、使用者不得擅自使用他人帳號或將帳號借予他人或修改他人檔案、密碼;亦不得置放或散佈會侵擾其他使用者之程式或設備。
  • 第七條、使用者不得非法侵入未經授權的電腦系統,亦不得企圖損害、更改電腦或網路系統。
  • 第八條、使用者不得傳送或散佈具恐嚇性、暴力性、違背善良風俗習性之資料,或謾罵、侮辱他人等不當言論。
  • 第九條、使用者應善用電腦與網路,避免造成電腦資源之過度負荷或網路的壅塞。
  • 第十條、使用者在電腦上安裝、使用、下載或散佈之程式及其他著作應遵守智慧財產權相關規定。
  • 第十一條、使用者使用院區及連通國內外其他機構之電腦或網路,不得違反國內外相關法律。
  • 第十二條、使用者若違反上述規定,資訊室得視情節,通知使用者改善或停止使用權限甚至送所方人評會處置,且相關法律責任自行負責。

Regulation of IIS Network and Public Computers

The network and public computer services provided by IIS is to facilitate the research and communication between other academic intitutions. To ensure the quality and fair use of the networks, the users must follow the regulations.

  1. The services and resources provided by the computer center are for academic use. The users must not use them for any nonofficial purposes.
  2. Static IPs should be registered at the computer center. Unregistered static IP is strictly prohibited.
  3. Servers providing outgoing services should be registered at the computer center. The manager should take full control of the machine and ensure the security.
  4. For any purposes to pass through the firewall, please apply VPN account to the computer center.
  5. VPN is only for official use. Please log off immediately once finished.
  6. Users are not allowed to use or lend the accounts not belonging to them. Users also cannot access or change others' files and passwords, and spread malicious software or equipments.
  7. Users cannot access unauthorized computer systems, nor attempt to damage and change computer and network systems.
  8. Users cannot transmit or distribute threatening and violence data, nor abusing and humiliating speech.
  9. Users should properly use the computers and networks, and avoid overloading them to induce network congestion.
  10. The software that users install, use, download, or distribute should not violate intellectual property rights.
  11. Users cannot violate domestic and foreign laws when using the computers and networks.
  12. The computer center has the right to terminate the account of the user if he/she violates the regulation. In servere situations, the computer center will send the user to IIS administration.